

A place for random thoughts…



As a relative newbie to this wonderful country i’m lucky enough to already have a voice.
I’ll be voting YES on October 14th for those that haven’t yet.
@create.yes @yes23au #createyes #yes23 #yes #voteyes
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My first ever business card from back in the day:
A custom typeface, hand cut, wallpaper backed, pop-up beauty!

A Campaign Brief ‘Hot & Cold’ submission for Havas. We started the year a little bit crap but ended up on fire ❄️🔥❄️🔥

❌ ❌ ❌ UX for life. ❌ ❌ ❌

A watercolour and Indian Ink typeface called Double Bubble.

The Friday Inspiration Compilation of Wonder:

Here’s a little document I started whilst at CHEP to encourage designers and creatives to share things they love with each other… In a fun way.

↪️ Feel free to switch out the colours and fonts to something you looooove, make it fun, make it visual, don’t give one fuck about what anyone else might think… just make sure you LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE IT!!!

↪️ Add a fact that may or may not be true about you.

↪️ Include 3 links to things that you find inspirational… can be design, digital, art, tech, stories, culture… anything which you find great and want to share and can explain what you love about it over a couple of lines.

↪️ Don’t forget a mind blowing GIF.

↪️ And your favourite joke.

↪️ Lastly, a nomination for who’d you like to create the next list the following Friday.

My attempt at The Friday Inspiration Compilation of Wonder:
⏬️ 🔽 ⬇️ ⏬️ 🔽 ⬇️ ⏬️ 🔽 ⬇️


⬅️ Googley eyes and leaves ➡️

An amazing day at the Neon Museum in Las Vegas.

Fun gifs for a game called Ego Invaders.
You get to blow up Donald Trump via the gift of a cat with laser eyes. 🐈